Tuesday, 15 April 2014


You know when you've been stalking someone on facebook for a little too long? (We all do it, don't sit there and pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about.) You've looked through all that person's photos, scrolled down their timeline back to 2008.....ok, maybe I'm exaggurating, but I get a strange....let's call it a revelation...if I've been looking at someone's face for a little bit too long. Especially if I haven't seen or spoken to that person in a while. 

I get a strange thought process that goes through my head. If I were to map it out, it would go something like this: 
  • Oh hey, that's a nice photo
  • Aww, that's cute
  • Oh look a cute kitten
  • Their hair looks a little odd, but whatever, they're only human
  • Wait, they're human
  • Like, this is an actual person
  • I used to KNOW this person
  • I wonder if they're voice sounds the same
  • Oh look, a photo of us....from 2011....
  • Like, this is me and them together. WE USED TO KNOW EACHOTHER.
  • What are they like now?
  • This person isn't just a person in photos, like this is an actual person
  • An actual person with feelings
  • And an actual life
  • Wow
  • I wonder if they ever think of me
At this point I tend to have weird-ed myself out and have had to close the facebook tab. I can't even put into words my thought process. It only happens every now and then, and it tends to only happen if I haven't seen them or I am no longer speaking to them. 

I was just wondering if anyone else gets these strange, head-messing, thoughts when looking at someone. No? Just me? Great.