There are no Extraordinary People, only Extra Ordinary People.
This can be applied to every single celebrity, actor, musician and successful person out there. That they are just an ordinary person who have an Extra Ordinary job. They were (and still are) a normal person, who went to school, had relationships that didn't work out, went to university and yet we forget about this. All we see is a Famous Person and we forget to look beyond that and to who they really are. Take Justin Bieber for example. He was a normal child who started to write songs and post them to YouTube. He didn't know that he would become really famous and successful, but by chance he was discovered and his life had changed. Don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that I like him or his music, but one cannot deny that he has become very successful.
But my point is this - when I began pondering this subject (and have been for quite a few months now), I realised that I could do whatever I wanted. Some people are discovered and other people work very hard to get to the top of their field. These successful people aren't special, they haven't taken a magic potion which makes them different to the "rest of us". People have gone into an audition not expecting to get the job but yet they have, and they begin to live their Extra Ordinary life. It sounds so cliche, but with this mindset, I have been able to change the way I see the future, which has a domino effect on how I live my life. I am no longer afraid of the future, no longer terrified of going into the big wide world after graduating and will no longer be in the safe little happy College bubble. I know, that whatever I will do, I will attempt to become an Extra Ordinary person and be very happy in the future. Who knows that life is going to throw at me, but it am feeling much more optimistic about it.
Some people look up to the Extra Ordinary People and think "I am never going to be able to do that". You might not do exactly what they do, but you might do something similar. Take that chance, do the audition, write that book, knit that cardigan, paint that picture, because who knows? You might end up living an Extra Ordinary life too.
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