Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Forgive me, dear friends, for I have not written in over a week. I apologise. Let us move on.

This has been bothering me for a while, something that I fail to understand: why do people go out of their way to make other people miserable?

My friends have often used the word "schadenfreude" when describing me, but I would never plan to make other people sad for my happiness. I just enjoy a bad party so much more if I know that everyone else is having a bad time, and it's not just me. That's not so bad is it? 

I just do not understand. What makes them feel the need to deliberately say something that may or may not be true, and none of their business, about somebody else? What did that other person do to them? Is it to gain popularity? Maybe they dislike someone and would like to make their lives miserable? Who knows.

I can only speak for myself, I enjoy a lovely bit of juicy gossip as much as the next guy, but I would never, ever, slightly exaggerate or even make something up about someone else. It really bothers me that people feel the need to do this. Surely if you dislike someone, wouldn't it be best if you do not get involved with their life and be civil? Do not accuse them of things that are untrue. If you have an issue with one of your friends, speak to them about it. They will appreciate and respect the fact that you had the courage to go and discuss your problems, and hopefully your relationship will be stronger than ever. 

Now back to the reasons why. To gain popularity? Do you really believe that the best way to make friends is to make things up about other people in your life? One day, the things that you have said will come back and (for want of a better phrase) bite you on the arse. Your friends will discover what you have said was untrue, and you will end up being humiliated and your friends will leave you. Do you want that? No, didn't think so. Make friends by finding things in common and being nice. It can get you a long way.

If you dislike someone and want to make their life miserable, put on their shoes for a moment. Think about the words you are saying and how it is having an effect on their life. How would you like it if someone you're not really friends with was saying mean things about you? I can't imagine you'd like it very much. Now imagine if someone you're not really friends with start saying mean things about you to your friends and they believed them? Now there's an issue. This is what happens, and congratulations, you have made their life miserable. What have you gained? Nothing. You will gain more from being civil and will therefore move on and grow as a person.

I would just like everyone to be friends and to be happy, I know that this is unrealistic and is just me living in my happy little world, but I can compromise with people living in harmony. And, finally, in my opinion, people who feel then need to do this kind of thing, they are not fooling anyone. If you are in the situation where people are spreading rumours about you, remember this: they are the ones who have the issues, not you. They are far too cowardly to come and speak to you like a mature person, and until they decide to grow up and face up to what the have done, they are not worth your time.