Sunday, 20 July 2014

Things That Make Me Happy

 I woke up this morning in a foul mood. Don't know why, but I was all (as the welsh say) cyntachu. There is no translation for that word. Sorry.
I did nothing differently this morning, but nothing seemed to be going right.

So I thought I'd make a list of all the small day-to-day things I am grateful for, and the things that give me pleasure in life:

my favourite shower gel | reading | oboe | playing something right | late night phone calls | cwtches | cute texts | dinner with friends | film nights | exploring new places | tidy rooms | my harry potter t-shirt | listening to music | having me-time | baking | fancy dress | food | knitting | yoga | writing letters | receiving letters | doing right in the world | little victories | family time | travelling | my hair looking good without effort | finding bargains in charity shops | chivalry | tea | smiling | disney | bubble baths | parcels | cinema trips | smell of pages | cats

view from my kitchen
Possibly the coolest cat ever
What makes you happy? :)

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Small Things That Might Change Your Life

While doing my usual daily readings of the blogs I follow on Bloglovin, a theme appeared in a few posts, which was How To Be Happy or something similar. It was talking about the little things that you can do to make you feel a little more positive, or if you're simply stuck in a rut. The two posts that really stuck out for me were this one from one of my favourite blogs; Pretty Chit Chat, and this one by Zoella.

Over the past year I've discovered that doing lots of little things has had a complete change on my outlook and quality of my life. There have been numerous ups and downs (boys, pals, work, oboe, pretty much everything) but I thought I'd share with you some of the things that I found really useful when I felt I was stuck.

  • YOGA - I cannot stress how important I find this. If its sunny, I like to go outside and practice there. Each position has a different meaning, and if you're really suffering from being stuck in the rut of life, the inverted positions will help you gain new perspective on things. Doing yoga in the morning is a gentle way to wake the body up, and the fluidity of the movement can help you Flow throughout the day. 
  • MAKE UP - My friends would probably be able to tell you guys how much money time I like to spend on my face. It sounds really stupid, but I felt that when I bought new make up, I could almost paint on a new me in the morning. I really enjoy putting on my face, I can express my mood and feelings. Sometimes if I'm in a particularly bad mood in the morning, I'll put on bright eye make up and it really does make a difference. I find it soothing, relaxing, and it's the perfect bit of me-time to begin the day (after yoga, of course!!)
  • HEALTHY DIET - I know, this is one of those things that everyone keeps talking about. Seriously though, I used to be one of the the most fussiest eaters of all time. Trying new foods and recipes really helped me overcome that, but I have found that since getting rid of junk food and refined sugars, and I've started eating more fruit, veg, healthy substitutions to puddings and drinking more water, not only have I lost weight, but my skin is clearer, I have a lot more energy, and I simply feel much better in myself. I am a strong believer in you are what you eat. 
  • READING - Read whatever you want. Fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi, horror, whatever it is, believe me, it's better than sitting in front of a screen all day. Reading feeds the mind, and it allows you to get lost in so many different worlds, and you get to meet more people than you could ever imagine in these different worlds. Each book takes you on a journey. So why not begin now?
  • STOP COMPLAINING - This really was a tough one for me, I mean, I am honestly never happier than if I have something to complain about. But complaining is negative, and we're trying to focus on keeping positive. So stop it. If you're in work and you're thinking "ooooh my feet hurt, I want to go home" instead think about how much money you've earned that shift, or something. This one does take time, because it involves changing habits and thought processes.
  • GET OUT - On a bike. For a walk. On a run. Bungee jump. Travel. Whatever, just go. Going outside will help you be able to clear your head and it will get you away from sitting slumped in front of the computer mindlessly scrolling down Facebook for absolutely no reason.
  • TREAT YOURSELF - There is nothing wrong with a little treat. If you have read the Chimp Paradox you will understand that your inner chimp often needs rewarding. Little treats now and then are great. If you think you deserve that pair of dungarees you've been lusting after, then go for it. Try not to abuse the treating though. Then it won't be a treat anymore, will it?
  • GET RID - Someone or something making you miserable? Get rid of them. Why should you in your happy little bubble be allowing someone/something else to get you down? I know, easier said than done, but trust me, getting rid of the negative influences in your life works wonders.
  • CLEANSING ENERGY - I was very sceptical when Mother first suggested I'd do this, but I went along with it any way. I can't explain how much better the energy of my bedroom was. If you spend a lot of time in one room, then it might be worth researching the different ways to cleanse the energy and to rid the room of the stagnant, murky, negative energy that has collected over the months/years. It will help you sleep, work, and feel better when you're in that environment again.   
I hope these help, even just a little. Let me know in the comments what small changes you do to make your life a more positive and happy place to be :) 

Monday, 14 July 2014

Self Esteem

They say that if you were to walk past yourself in the street, you wouldn't recognise yourself. Everyone has a very distorted image of themselves. I didn't believe this, until I saw this photo:

Its not a special photo. I'm frowning for goodness sake. It's me accidentally in a piccie that Mother was taking of an old car at a vintage car convention down on our local beach just after I had got home for the summer. I had just thrown some clothes on that I thought was fairly suitable to be seen in and put my hair up in a messy bun. I hadn't seen these photos until about a week ago when Mother was showing them to a family friend....I was looking and all of a sudden I blurted out "omg that' s me!!"

I didn't recognise myself.

I have mentioned in a past post that I am happy with the way I look. I am, most of the time. Some days I think urgh I look so fat or why are my arms so flabby? or even I've been going to the gym for ages, I can't see any changes! but just because I have bad days doesn't mean I'm not confident with the way I look. It has taken me years and years for me to get to this place. I haven't like the way I looked since the age of about 11 when I started secondary school. It didn't help that I was such a fussy eater that I only ate junk food. If someone said that I looked beautiful, I didn't believe them because I thought that they had to say it.
Even when at the age of 16 when I lost so much weight and I dropped down to 7st 8, I still thought I looked too fat. It was a really unhealthy relationship with my body and with myself.

Now, however, I've been working out, I've been going to the gym for about a year, doing various different exercises (yoga, tai chi, weight lifting, running, cycling, swimming....) and I've come to like my body.


I feel that in today's society, so many people don't like the way they look, that I am almost afraid of saying that I look and feel good in the fear of someone thinking that I think too much of myself or something. I realised recently that in the past, I felt like I couldn't like the way I looked. 

Think of it like this: if you've worked really hard on a painting, then you're obviously going to be proud of it and you're going to want to show it to others and tell people, aren't you? It's the same with me, it's not as if I'm going to start running around naked, but why should I put myself down, after years of doing so, when I'm proud of all the hours I've spent at the gym?

When I look in the mirror, I no longer look at my flaws, I brush past them. I see hard work that I've been putting in is starting to pay off. I look at what is good about me, what I think others might like about me, and best of all, when I get dressed, I accentuate my features.

If you're walking down the street, you don't see people and think "oooh their arms are a little flabby" or "urgh they're clearly having a fat day today" do you? (if you do, really sure where to go from here.....) You're more likely to think "wow, look at their bum, that's a great bum" or "their hair is so shiney", right?

Why don't you do that about yourself?

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Monty Python Live!!!

Man oh man, I can't believe I haven't shared this with you guys yet!

If anyone from college was sat in the refectory on the 25th of November at approximately 10am, you would have heard a scream. That scream was me getting my hands on tickets for the only night that Monty Python were re-uniting in the O2. (they released more shows that day, but I had the original day!) I had been sat hunched over about 4 different electronical devices since the morning, and had been in about 2 queues for around an hour and a half, but I did it. I later found out that the tickets had sold out within 45 seconds of them being released. I was so shocked that I managed to get them that I cried. Then rang my Dad to tell him that I managed to get them!

After 8 months of waiting, July 1st arrived. Me, my dad and my friend, Mia, all headed down to the O2 (which was humongous). I'd never been there before, it's amazing! The show was so incredible. I saw people dressed as various knights, and walking around with Gumby handkerchiefs on their heads. We walked in, and the stage looked incredible! My photo completely doesn't do it justice. We were sat right at the top as I just wanted to get the cheapest tickets, but they weren't bad at all!

When they walked out it was amazing, and I was laughing from start of the show right through to the end! The songs, the choreography, the humour, everything was just right! They even paid a little tribute to Graham Chapman (RIP) by having his sketches on a big screen. So wonderful. I can't actually put into words how much I enjoyed the evening! Think of all your favourite MP sketches... they were in it. The camp army march, the argument clinic, the silly walk had a dance of it's own, and of course, the Dead Parrot Sketch.

The five of them were clearly having a such a great time performing all their old sketches, and their improvisation is incredible. At one point, John Cleese had to walk off the stage because he was laughing so much. He also spoke to the audience and said "I'm not impressed with Argentina's performance tonight" to which Michael Palin just said "Are you talking to the audience? Section 24 B of the Comdey Sketch act clearly states no talking to the audience." So excellent. They also had a couple of celebrity guests! During the Galaxy Song, Prof. Brian Cox rudely interrupted and began to prove that the song was scientifically incorrect, to which Prof. Steven Hawking (!!!!) then ran him over and went flying off into a spaceship singing it. Steven Fry also made an appearance, he came on stage with a paper bag over his head during the spoof TV show, Blackmail.

I'm very glad to have seen them, it was a wonderful experience and I did not regret a single penny that was spent on those tickets.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Harri's Wondrous World????

"What is this new name?" you may be asking. I've decided to make some changes to my blog. I've been wanting to do it for a while, as I hated "of Mice, Men and Musicians". I chose it because I thought it sounded cool after reading it somewhere. Of course at the time, I didn't know what I wanted from doing this, so I just put it down to have something. I also realised fairly early on that this blog wasn't ever going to have anything to do with music. Don't get me wrong, it's a massive part of my life and I love it, but for me, I like to have some things that are separate to music. I don't want to be the type of person that can only be defined by one thing.

And if you're wondering, I have based it on a track from the Harry Potter soundtrack. But hey, I'm a massive fan! I simply could not resist. Think about it too, my posts are from my head, and you do get to have an insight into the world in which I'm living (which is pretty wondrous, even if I may say so myself!)

I've been thinking now for quite a few months now, that I would like to take my blog a little further. I began this blog as a way to structure the thoughts in my head. Sometimes I have so many ideas and opinions going round my mind I don't know what to do with them. I guess it's a form of creative outlet. And my blog is mine. It is my space to voice the things in my head.

I've spoken about the change in my life quite a few times, and I guess that a change in my little online space is fitting? Hopefully over the summer I'm going to give it a little bit more of an overhaul to make it look a little better. (Once I figure out how to do that......)

I'd like to try and write a little more often now. Next year I'm hopefully going to be travelling, experiencing new things and going on adventures. So I'll easily have lots to write about, however over the summer, I have lots of time to think and to organise my thoughts (and also to go on adventures!)

This has been a bit of a ramble-y post, but yeah, I'm still here, I'll hopefully be here a little more often, but just a well-needed change. I'm proud of myself for creating this little outlet, but man, I hated the name more than I can say.