Monday, 8 September 2014

Socialising Antisocially?!

source: Pinterest

It has come to my attention recently, that many people feel the need to be on their phones at the same time as spending time with friends.

Let me give you an example:
A few years ago, I met up with a very close friend of mine for the day. I hadn't seen her for a while, so I was really looking forward to spending the day catching up and having a good gossip. She then spent the entire day texting her boyfriend. I felt really......what's the word...... put out. I had made the effort to put the whole day aside for her, but she couldn't do the same for me. What was the point of her even bothering to see me if she was glued to her phone the entire time?

I can't help but wonder, are phones more important to people than their friends?

I work as a waitress in a little seaside restaurant, in a small village in Pembrokeshire. I have noticed through the many hours I've spent there, that so many families sit in silence while they are all gazing at the little screens, that have taken over our lives. Not only that, but many of these families ask me "do you have wifi here?" Our wifi has a reputation of being a little temperamental, but what surprises me is the look of disappointment on the face of the asker at the thought of having to spend the entire evening speaking to their parents.

I mean, God forbid you have to have an actual conversation face-to-face while you're on a family holiday.

I know I have touched on this subject before, with my Look Up  post a few months back, but for some reason, this subject is very close to my heart, and I do not understand why people feel the need to spend the quality face-to-face time they should be having with one person, glued to the piece of plastic in their hands speaking to another.

If I had a boyfriend, and I was spending the day with people that I loved, I would tell him that and if he doesn't understand that, then frankly, he shouldn't be in my life. I think it's controlling, unhealthy and possibly damaging the relationship to be in a constant conversation for all hours of the day. What left do you have to talk about when you see each other?

Obviously, I do see the benefits of mobile phones and being able to reach someone instantaneously. Emergencies, for example. "Help, can you get this spider out of my room please?!" (A genuine text I have sent....)

Does anyone else agree with me here? Am I the only one?


  1. Yes this could have been written by me i feel the same it drives me insane! I actually have a rule i will not touch my phone if I'm talking to someone face to face. If people actually thought about it they would realise its so rude like when people txt or answer there phone whilst your talking to them your basically telling that person there not important enough, for instance if your talking to someone and someone else comes up to you and tries to talk and interrupt you you would tell that person they will have to wait I'm talking to someone, so why when a phone rings is it answered straight away?!? your already having a conversation its so rude and you end up feeling sad about it. I can't understand why people need to be on their phone whilst with other people, il admit i look at my phone whilst out especially if I'm out for a long time but if I'm talking to someone then i don't. Ive actually found that middle aged people are the worse for this though which is weird. Anyway sorry for the long comment its just cause i get this and i agree :) Hope it made sense x

    1. it does make sense :) It makes me so cross and I feel really undervalued when people seem to rather be on their phone than to spend time with me. So glad that it's not just me that feels like this! X

  2. Smartphones are great, but people use them way, way too much. I mean, they should be used in the right situation, and that is NOT when you're catching up with an old friend. Taking photos, fine, but people can actually post those photos to Instagram or whatever later when they're alone. I think it's ridiculous to have to check the phone all the time. I do it when I'm bored on the bus but not when I'm talking to people or out having dinner or something like that. Smartphones are a good invention (just like Facebook is..or was), but people don't use them in a decent way.

    1. Completely agree! We're living in an age of instant gratification and the world is literally at our fingertips, and so many of us fall into the trap of living in cyberspace instead of looking around and seeing life as it happens. I was at a cafe the other day, put my phone away and just sat and watched people walk by. It was much more fun than scrolling through facebook! X
